Monday 18 February 2013

4G Launch will affect millions of TV sets

Apparently 40,000 UK TV's will completely lose its signal thanks to the 4G Launch later prescribe this year.

Up to a total of 2.3 million households will be affected with viewing disruptions because of the 4G LTE wireless networks, unless a filter is installed onto their TV's by engineers.

London, the Midlands, North Midlands, north west England, Yorkshire and Scotland will be the worst affected areas and may even be forced to move to TV providers Sky or Virgin Media.

 UK mobile operators are currently in the process of bidder for spectrum to be used as 4G on their networks. One of the frequencies on offer, 800MHz, sits alongside the 700MHz spectrum used for Freeview. The other spectrum band is 2.6GHz and wont cause such problems.
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