Wednesday 27 February 2013

GTA5 will release on PS4...eventually

The greatly waited for open world gangsta shoot em up game has finally got an official release date for PS3, on September 17th.

Current reports suggest that, as GTA5 is so close to the PS4 release timeframe (holiday season) will we be seeing it on the next gen console? Or will we have to wait another 5 years to see GTA6 on the PS4?

Well, its definitely not the latter, as according to an analyst, he reckons GTA5 will soon enough come to the PS4 and even the Xbox 720 once they both release.

Michael Pachter states, with a reasonably fair and true comment:

"If you go back to the Playstation 3 E3, the 06 E3, they showed Red Dead Redemption, remember? What year did that bad boy come out? 2010? It only took four years and it was shown, it was shown during a launch event. So that's about the pace i think Rockstar is on. I think Rockstar will have a game before the PS5"

Well lets hope hes's right!

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