Sunday 17 February 2013

PS4 to stream games

Sony Corp. is planning to stream the games played on its new Playstation 4, still to be revealed.

The new games console will be revealed on the 20th February, Wednesday, and will hopefully include the streaming feature at launch for all gamers to use.

The streaming service will be one of the new enhanced features of the console which has never been seen on any other major console in the market, other than OnLive.

The online streaming service could prove to be a hit or miss as with OnLive, as they went bankrupt last year and were forced to sell on.

Well, we will all have to wait until 20th Feb for Sony's big conference which will reveal the PS4, and thats only a matter of days away!

I'm excited! Are you? What do you expect from Sony come 20th Feb?

Article courtesy of

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